Tuesday, August 27, 2013


Do you know that feeling when you meet someone and you just know that they're a good person?

Kate Ulman oooozzzzeeees goodness.  In person and on the pages and screens through which so many people know her.  She is just, quite simply a good egg (by the by, I'm giggling to myself right now as Kate has a farm full of chickens).

She is the wonderwoman behind the beautiful blog, Fox's Lane which documents her adventures of running her farm and business Daylesford Organics with her husband Brendon, and their utterly gorgeous three girls.

Kate has just released her first book, Vantastic, and it's pretty freaking fantastic.  Full of craft and colour and family and ideas for how to live and authentic, loved-filled life.

Monday, August 26, 2013

What Maisie Knew

Oh, this little girl seems like a bit of a heartbreaker. That face! I'm looking forward to seeing this.  Vampire Eric and Ms. Moore - what more could we ask for?

Friday, August 23, 2013

Unicorn Weeks.

Hello you guys.

It's Friday. Phew. We made it.

My week started rather normally and uneventfully on Monday and then ramped up to become a really, freaking full on bubble of insanity.

But in the midst of the madness there were these shining moments:

On Tuesday night I went to my dancing class.  I'm going to be doing this shit in November.  Swinging my hips like a boss on stage.  I hope.

Wednesday was devoted to a lady dinner, an open fire, important decisions about eyewear and a statement from my unicorn friend Jacqui "I put myself in the front row" that became everyone's motto for, well, life.

The Moth took over my heart on Thursday night.  I was reminded of my deep love for the violin and was surprised to learn that Madga Szubanski's dad was a Polish assassin.

Last night I also had a dream where I was in my funny little car with my bestie Little One and it wouldn't start.  We were happy though. And there was an item of food but I can't really recall it...

Tonight I went to see Tavi talk at the Melbourne Writers' Festival with galfriends including the mindblowing Bridget and the magnetic Jordan.  She was very, very awesome.  And by she I mean all three of them.

Tomorrow had better bring it.

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Time's a Wastin'.

The days are slipping by.

I cringe every time I respond to someone who asks how I am by saying "I'm really good but BUSY."  It's so ridiculous to look back over the past months and beyond and realise that I've been constantly repeating that phrase.  Over and over again.  And then, before you know it, it's been a year.  A year of busy-ness.

And it's not just me, everyone seems to be so freaking busy.  I find myself constantly turning my diary page to the next month to book in a dinner with a dear friend or a weekend away with another.

It's actually really hard to not buy into the societal norms, we are so encouraged to over-extend ourselves, to be everything to everybody.  Leaving very little time for our own self.  And after so many years of working like a maniac in corporate workplaces I still find myself constantly overworking and being constantly available all the time.

Lately I've been trying to get less busy.

It's a process but I'm getting there very slowly.  Today I woke up with morning birds and jumped on a train to my country home; it was my second country train journey in a week - so lucky, I am.  I listened to Sal Kimber and Liz Stringer and The Tallest Man on Earth as the wattle trees and deep green paddocks rushed by before I picked up a car and hit the highway.  My journey took a whole day and it's not even finished.  A journey that I could have replaced with an hour and a half flight.  But that would have been boring.

The slower route is so much sweeter.  A hopeful signal of days to come.  Slow days that can only come about by our individual choices.

I'm making the choice gosh darn it, I'll keep you posted as I go, ok?

A few recent loves...

Your heartstrings may also be tugged by this beautiful little ditty by Lucie Thorne.
I took the pic above in the forest near Whole Larder Love's place when we went mushrooming. His ladylove hellokateberry has just launched a new blog, Lunchlady, and it is pretty darn brilliant.
In keeping with my Iceland obsession I read Hannah Kent's debut novel Burial Rites over the past few days. It's bleak and utterly beautiful.

Friday, August 9, 2013

Mia Dyson.

Mia Dyson is unbelievable.  I'm currently listening to one of my favourites as it blends seamlessly with the rain drumming on my rooftop.

Hey you guys.  Happy Friday.

Oh, and p.s. this acoustic version is also equally rad.

Thursday, August 8, 2013

Wilderness Dreamin'.

I want to run away from today.  I'd like to lace up these boots and run into the wilderness, far away from everywhere and anywhere.  To be alone, for a while.

I'd like to swim in waterfalls and sleep next to dying flames.  To watch the stars for entertainment and breathe in the cold, night air.

A dream for another day.

A few recent loves...

Cate Blanchett looks like she's going to be amazing in Woody's new film Blue Jasmine.
Stephen Fry talks honestly and beautifully about the contradictions of loneliness.
Megan Washington's cover version of this Australian classic is pretty awesome.
Check out these 40 inspiring workspaces of the famously creative.
This list of 27 underrated things about being in your thirties is comforting. And funny.
Tom Thum is a a bit of a superstar.

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Gallerie L'Orientaliste.

So darling Sarah has a darling mum who happens to have a darling Melbourne shop.  Venturing through the doors is like entering an old-world treasure trove, full of history; Gallerie L'Orientaliste specialises in ethnographic jewellery and antiquities. 

She is opening a special exhibition of her latest designs and creations this weekend - Saturday 10 August and Sunday 11 August between 11am and 5pm.  

Gallerie L'Orientaliste 
495 Brunswick Street, North Fitzroy VIC 3065
Ph: 03 9489 9473

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Jessica Tremp's Iceland.

So, holy wow.

Melbourne photographer Jessica Tremp went to Iceland and I wish I went with her.  I have been a wee bit obsessed with visiting this wild country for quite a while and am determined to go sooooooon.

In the meantime, however, I have these incredible images to whet the ole appetite.

Check out Jessica's entire Icelandic series on her blog: part one, part two, part three and part four.