Friday, August 23, 2013

Unicorn Weeks.

Hello you guys.

It's Friday. Phew. We made it.

My week started rather normally and uneventfully on Monday and then ramped up to become a really, freaking full on bubble of insanity.

But in the midst of the madness there were these shining moments:

On Tuesday night I went to my dancing class.  I'm going to be doing this shit in November.  Swinging my hips like a boss on stage.  I hope.

Wednesday was devoted to a lady dinner, an open fire, important decisions about eyewear and a statement from my unicorn friend Jacqui "I put myself in the front row" that became everyone's motto for, well, life.

The Moth took over my heart on Thursday night.  I was reminded of my deep love for the violin and was surprised to learn that Madga Szubanski's dad was a Polish assassin.

Last night I also had a dream where I was in my funny little car with my bestie Little One and it wouldn't start.  We were happy though. And there was an item of food but I can't really recall it...

Tonight I went to see Tavi talk at the Melbourne Writers' Festival with galfriends including the mindblowing Bridget and the magnetic Jordan.  She was very, very awesome.  And by she I mean all three of them.

Tomorrow had better bring it.

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