Friday, September 30, 2011

Noah & The Whale.

I recently rewatched the wonderful Noah & The Whale film, The First Days of Spring. Well worth a look; it's just gorgeous.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

growing is forever.

Logo = rad
Growing your own vegies = rad
Writing a book about how to do it = rad
Vintage-style seed packet design = rad
Taking over the world, one tomato at a time = rad
Being able to have these dudes build you a patch in Melbourne = rad

The Little Veggie Patch Co. 

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Tuesday, September 20, 2011


A few weeks ago I wandered about Elwood on a beautifully sunny afternoon, just armed with my camera.

Gorgeous suburb. I'm looking forward to doing more exploring.

Monday, September 19, 2011

Wise Dalai Lama.

Late last year someone asked the Dalai Lama what about humanity surprises him most. This was his response:

"Man, because he sacrifices his health in order to make money. 
Then he sacrifices money to recuperate his health. 
And then he is so anxious about the future that he does not enjoy the present; 
the result being that he does not live in the present or the future; 
he lives as if he is never going to die, and then he dies having never really lived."

Forecast: showers with a chance of...babies.

Hello you lot. It seems to be raining babies lately, or perhaps it's just an age thing?

When I found out my lovely girlfriend Chelsea was pregnant however it seemed just that little bit more exciting (honourable mention to her partner Craig, of course...he he he).

I probably don't have to say/do much more than share these above pics. With a mama who can pull off a baby shower as beautiful as this can you imagine what this child's life will be like?

p.s. I think it's a boy :)

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Sal Kimber & The Rollin' Wheel.

I would have loved to have been in two places at once today with Melbourne's High Noon Festival intoxicating Northcote.

Then I would have had the chance to groove to Sal Kimber & The Rollin' Wheel! Next year...

Glorious Sundays.

Today was an absolutely glorious day. Full of beautiful spring sunshine, the constant calls of birds flitting about the trees (including kookaburras, thrushes, bowerbirds). It was lovely.

We hosted a lunch party in the garden; full of lovely fresh food, delicious beverages and giggle-filled conversation.

Right now I'm eating gluten-free mandarin cake and smiling quietly.

I hope your day was filled with laughter and love, whether you're enjoying fall or spring.

Friday, September 16, 2011


I am a huge lover of Bon Iver's music, a statement that I'm sure is true for many of you as well.

This latest video for Holocene is so special.

It was directed by Nabil Elderkin (who although he has become the go-to-guy for all of *the stars* is incidentally a super-nice and hugely talented guy) in Iceland. I want a grown-up version of this gorgeous kid's jumper too...

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

What light...?

You may remember my past as a Shakespeare devotee with Romeo & Juliet being one of his most famous works, and arguably the greatest love story ever told. It is also perhaps the greatest love story ever retold with countless productions of the classic story made over the years.

This time it's renowned choreographer Graeme Murphy's turn for The Australian Ballet. Murphy's version follows "a feisty girl and a feisty boy who are willing to take a stand for their love."

To steal some words from the Ballet it "promises to be a masterpiece from first blush to final devastation." I cannot wait to see it come to life when I go next week! Hoorah!

Graeme Murphy's Romeo and Juliet opens today. Costumes designed by Akira Isogawa.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

10 Years.

I clearly remember this day, 10 years ago. So, so sad.
It's important to remember...and keep remembering.
(source here)

Saturday, September 10, 2011


Happy Saturday you frolickers.

Today I feel like a five-year-old on Christmas Eve.  My little heart is pounding, I know that tonight my eyelids will refuse to stay shut and I'll be counting down the hours.

The MMs arrive home tomorrow.  It will be the first time in about 5 years that we will be living in the same city.  Oh the joy.  The list of things to visit and do is growing by the second.

Break out the Vegie Bar cheesecake!

Friday, September 9, 2011

Thursday, September 8, 2011

The Man, The Image & The World

Australia's Queensland Art Gallery is currently playing host to 260 dear friends.

260 of Henri Cartier-Bresson's photographs to be exact - selected by Cartier-Bresson and long-time friend/publisher Robert Delpire for an exhibition at the Bibliothèque nationale de France Paris in 2003 before Cartier-Bresson’s death in 2004.

So special. QAG is also doing guided tours so check that out northern peeps.

Henri Cartier-Bresson: The Man, The Image & The World
27 August - 27 November 2011, Queensland Art Gallery.
More information here.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Smell Like a Man, Man

The Man Your Man Could Smell Like. Classic. What's your favourite man-scent?

Davidoff Coolwater still makes me swoon, every time. Simple, I know but it does things to my lady-ness that's for sure.


(image from weheartit via julia)

Monday, September 5, 2011


I love beginnings. I'm hoping I'll love this film, Beginners, also.

Friday, September 2, 2011

I Heart Spring.

Happy Friday lovers.

Miss Spring, I'm so glad to see you. Isn't it just glorious? She has been sneakily peeking her head over ole man winter's shoulder and has now stolen the spotlight. Welcome to the stage...

So, in honour of her grand arrival I'm going to have a love-filled weekend in Melbourne which has cheekily taken the mantle as the world's most liveable city.

Tonight, I'm going to my first game of Australian Rules Football since my homecoming. I'm taking in my heart the words of some of my former (briefly) adopted countrymen, "clear eyes, full hearts, can't lose." Bring on the hot chips.

Then, I'm going to stalk my friends Sarah and Andy until they make me another tom yum cocktail, which has quickly become the signature drink at their little terrace.

And I'm going to take lots of Melbourne photographs. I had a ball chasing numbers around Elwood last weekend (which you'll see next week) and so I'm looking forward to doing some more exploring.

You know what, I just might wear a jumpsuit.

Whatever you do, I hope your weekend is heart-filled.

(p.s. I took this pic at the stunning Long Track Pantry in Jugiong just off the highway to Sydney. Scrumptious.)

Thursday, September 1, 2011


Yes, it's everywhere already, I know. But I'm eating jam toast and listening to Wally chatting about the record on the radio. So, I thought I'd share it here too.
